graduation cap


Once a Mathlete, always a Mathlete.

Alumni are a huge part of the MATHCOUNTS community!

Volunteer at a MATHCOUNTS Competition

Competition season is finally here! As our Mathletes compete in February and March, local coordinators need volunteers to help with scoring, checking in competitors and passing out snacks. Find a competition near you and email the listed coordinator to sign up!

2 volunteers score at a MATHCOUNTS competition
What does it mean to be a MATHCOUNTS alumnus/a?
  • Do you feel a wave of nostalgia when you see right triangles because they remind you of the MATHCOUNTS trophy still sitting on the shelf of your childhood bedroom?

  • Do you associate the word "math" with games, fun and those brownies your coach or club leader used to bring to math club meetings?

  • Do you know how to make math problems come to life with nothing more than your creativity and royalty-free iMovie music?

Your participation in MATHCOUNTS doesn't have to end in 8th grade. There are plenty of ways for alumni to benefit from and contribute to the MATHCOUNTS Foundation long after middle school!
Stay Connected


Each month, we send opportunities that might interest alumni.

facebook group


Connect with other alumni.



Tell us what you've been up to so we can spotlight you on social media!

Do Even More

Apply for the MATHCOUNTS Alumni Scholarship

We offer a college scholarship exclusively for MATHCOUNTS alumni!


Volunteer at an Event

Find your local coordinator's contact info & ask how you can help at a local competition.


Join the Community Coaching Cohort

Start a MATHCOUNTS program at underserved schools to receive benefits and resources from MATHCOUNTS!

Volunteering with MATHCOUNTS was meaningful to me because it taught me the importance of sharing my passions and talents with others in effective ways.
Alexander R., MD
Coach high-fiving Mathlete
Spotlighted Alumni


See the past winners of the MATHCOUNTS Competition Series and Math Video Challenge. Page coming soon!

MATHCOUNTS Alumni Scholarship Winners

Meet the awesome students whose time in MATHCOUNTS had a significant impact on their academic and professional pursuits...and who have gone on to do great things!

Community Coaching Cohort Members

Meet the alumni who have been recognized for starting MATHCOUNTS programs at underresourced schools.

Alumni Chats

We’re very excited to announce that MATHCOUNTS Alumni Chats are back, new and revamped as an interview series! When Mathletes leave middle school, they set off on countless different paths to uniquely exciting futures. We can’t wait to introduce you to some of them—follow along to meet alumni from a variety of career paths and learn about their lives after MATHCOUNTS.

Graphic of speech bubble with grad cap. Text: Alumni Chats