From question writers and coordinators, to volunteers and donors, we're fortunate to have a large and wonderful community!
More than 600 chapter and state coordinators, many of whom are engineers affiliated with the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), go beyond typical volunteering. In-person, social math gatherings make MATHCOUNTS special, and these volunteers plan and run 500 chapter competitions and 56 state competitions every year for our Mathletes.
"Thank you coordinators for making this experience possible. We would never be here without you."
-Miriam, competition alumna

Content creators are instrumental in developing the high-quality, creative resources MATHCOUNTS is known for!
The volunteer Question Writing Committee (QWC) is affiliated with and supported by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, one of our founding sponsors.
2024 QWC
Thinula De Silva
Anuradha Aiyer
Rachel Chou
Ryoko Kitadai
Matthew Kroesche
Liam Lawson
Patrick Vennebush
2023 QWC
Gregory Sand
Rachel Chou
Thinula De Silva
Ryoko Kitadai
Matthew Kroesche
Liam Lawson
Michelle Nal
National Reviewers
William Aldridge
Erica Arrington
Susie Brosonski
Lars Christensen (STE 89)
Dan Cory (NAT 84 & 85)
John Dempsey
Barry Friedman (NAT 86)
National Reviewers
Helga Huntley (STE 91)
Chris Jeuell (CHA 91)
Doug Keegan (STE 91, NAT 92)
Emma Kerwin (CHA 09, STE 10 & 11)
Roslyn Knight
Stanley Levinson, P.E.
National Reviewers
Nariv Patel (CHA 02 & 03)
Jason Ramage
Randy Rogers (NAT 85)
Jason Thrun
Craig Volden (NAT 84)
Deborah Wells (NAT 84)
Josh Zucker
National Judges
Edward Early (STE 92)
Peter Kohn
Apoorva Rajagopal
Dave Sundin (STE 84)
Special Thanks to:
Jerrold Grossman
Howard Ludwig
Jane Lataille
"[MATHCOUNTS competitions] were unlike any math exam I had taken before...this made math seem almost like a puzzle or a system of challenges that had to be solved...This style of exam took away all boredom by applying math, as it should be, to real life!"
-Adam, competition alumnus
Our coaches, club leaders and video team advisors inspire and prepare the next generation of problem solvers. Thousands of teachers, engineers, alumni and extracurricular group leaders dedicate their time to lead MATHCOUNTS programs in their schools, math circles and youth organizations, providing support and mentorship to our Mathletes.
"My MATHCOUNTS journey would not have been so impactful and memorable had my middle school coaches not been there to serve as powerful examples and inspiration."
-Alex, competition alumnus

More than a middle school program
"While yes—I am eternally grateful for the mathematical skills I've gained from MATHCOUNTS—I have to appreciate the little things, the interactions and experiences I've gained from MATHCOUNTS and its community."
-Andrew, competition alumnus
Donors & Sponsor Advocates
Donors and sponsor advocates make the work we do possible. Many are also volunteers, alumni and parents of alumni, and we are so grateful for their generosity.
Donors help us provide free or subsidized materials and programs, plus support extra resources for low-income schools and outreach to students underrepresented in STEM. Click here to donate.
We have an alumni network of more than 6 million people who have become educators, engineers, volunteers and STEM advocates.
Alumni support our programs in so many ways, and many have gone on to make a difference in their communities and the world. Each year, hundreds of alumni serve as coaches, club leaders and video team advisors. Click here to learn about alumni opportunities.
Program Volunteers
From Competition Day logistics volunteers to scorers at chapter and state events to scholarship application reviewers. We are fortunate to have thousands of volunteers who help us bring MATHCOUNTS to students nationwide.
There are many ways to get involved! Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities.