Exploration Recap
Have your students ever wondered how exactly a plane flies?
...how it climbs up into the air?
...how it stays level for a long flight?
...how it descends to the ground to land?
Ultimately, a plane is able to move the way it does because of the forces that act upon it, and the same holds true for paper airplanes. In Paper Planes, students use principles of engineering to create, test, and modify paper airplanes to try to get them to fly the farthest.
Materials Needed
- Copier or printer paper
- 1 Experiment Guidelines handout per student or group
- 1 Making Your Plane Fly Even Farther handout per student or group
- Tape measure or yardstick
- String or a stick to mark a starting line

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Only registered math clubs can access this activity. Fortunately, for you, the National Math Club is completely free and open to both
schools and non-school groups. If you're a volunteer or educator leading 4 or more students in grades 6-8, you're likely eligible.
Learn more at the links below:
General Program Info | Program Rules & FAQ | MATHCOUNTS for Educators Resources