
Club Leaders: Log in to get this problem set for free!
Problem Set Recap
Is a foot of length 22 M&Ms longer than a foot of length 15 paper clips? To celebrate Measure Your Feet Day (Jan. 23), Mathletes use some out-of-the-ordinary units to measure their feet, then use proportional reasoning to make comparisons and estimations.
Materials Needed
- 1 Measure Your Feet Day handout per student
- 1 writing utensil per student
- 1-2 blank sheets of copier paper per student
- 20 M&Ms per student
- 10-15 paper clips per group
- 15-20 pennies per group
- 1 ruler with centimeters per group
- Any other objects that can be used for measuring length in various units (optional)

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Only registered math clubs can access this activity. Fortunately, for you, the National Math Club is completely free and open to both
schools and non-school groups. If you're a volunteer or educator leading 4 or more students in grades 6-8, you're likely eligible.
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CCSS (Common Core State Standard)