The MATHCOUNTS for Educators series helps amazing teachers make the most of their experience coaching or leading a club.
We'll keep adding to and updating this series, so please keep checking back for tips, guidance and curated math resources. Have questions or need help? Please email [email protected] or [email protected] to get support from Emily, Brody or Naomi.
Logged in MATHCOUNTS educators can browse below to learn more about...
- Topics that affect teachers leading students in MATHCOUNTS programs, from student recruitment to what to expect on competition day.
- How you can best use the many math resources available for free or included in your program registration.
- What veteran coaches and club leaders have done that worked well for them.
Anywhere you see this TAKE ACTION icon, it means there's something easy you can do right away
to make your time as a MATHCOUNTS educator even better!
Click above to walk through what to expect after you register and your key first steps as a coach or club leader. Hint: click the other pages in this Getting Started section!
Click above for info about how to grow your program, including templates and flyers, to help you spread the word about your MATHCOUNTS program.
As a MATHCOUNTS educator, you have a wealth of resources included with your registration. Click above to learn how to access all of them through your online dashboard!
Coming soon! Click above to learn more about data.
Coaches, please encourage your students to share their info at mathcounts.org/aboutme. Each competitor submission is a ticket for your school in monthly prize drawings!
Coming soon! Click above for tips from experts about how to encourage student-centered learning and incorporate more exploration and play, plus suggested calendars to help you plan.
Coach or club leader login required.
Click above to browse the most popular program resources—and the fastest ways to find them.
Coming soon! Math concepts sink in when they are connected to the real world. Click above to learn more about how you can connect math to students' lives and career aspirations.
Coach or club leader login required.
Click above for tips from experts about how to combat math anxiety through the meetings and activities you do with your students in MATHCOUNTS.
Coach or club leader login required.
Click above for tips from experts about how you can practice empathy to encourage your students to persevere through and even enjoy struggles.
Coach or club leader login required.
Click above for tips from experts about how to build a growth mindset for your students so they can take on challenges with confidence and not get discouraged by mistakes.
Coming soon! Click above to walk through how to add competitors to your school's existing registration.
Click above to learn how best to use the School Competition to select the students to represent your school at the chapter competition.
Coming soon! Click above to walk through how to submit competitor info for your school and have it automatically sent to your chapter coordinator.
Click above to review the official program rules, including info about acceptable Forms of Answers. It is your responsibility as the coach to ensure your students know the rules.
Coming soon! Click above for info about what you and your students can expect at their local competition, plus suggestions to make their chapter experience extra fun!
Coming soon! Whether you have Mathletes advancing to the state level or just want to keep the fun going, click above for extension ideas to try after February!