Exploration Recap
In Making Your Money Grow, Mathletes will learn about the time value of money and explain how small amounts of money—invested regularly over time—grow exponentially. Mathletes will be introduced to the terms investment, simple interest, and compound interest and, at the end of the exploration, will devise a periodic investment plan for accumulating the tuition required to attend a 4-year college.
Materials Needed
- 1 Millionaire Facts handout per student
- 1 A Little Saving Goes a Long Way handout per student
- 1 Famous Quotes and Investing handout per student (2 versions)
- 1 Investment Plan Directions handout per student
- 1 Post-Assessment per student (optional)
- Chart paper
- Markers
A special thank you to PwC. This exploration was adapted from their Earn Your Future® program, developed to help students develop critical financial skills and to provide educators with resources to teach those skills.

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