
Club Leaders: Log in to get this problem set for free!
Problem Set Recap
Celebrate Bake Cookies Day (Dec. 18) with a problem set all about making, eating, sharing and selling cookies. Students practice proportional reasoning and math topics as they tackle these problems. Bonus: This activity includes step-by-step explanations of how to solve each problem.
Materials Needed
- 1 problem set per student, pair or group
- 1 writing utensil per student
- Scratch paper
- Real cookies (optional but encouraged!)

Not a club leader yet? Let's fix that!
Only registered math clubs can access this activity. Fortunately, for you, the National Math Club is completely free and open to both
schools and non-school groups. If you're a volunteer or educator leading 4 or more students in grades 6-8, you're likely eligible.
Learn more at the links below:
General Program Info | Program Rules & FAQ | MATHCOUNTS for Educators Resources