

Join the MATHCOUNTS Alumni email list!

Welcome, MATHCOUNTS alumni! Below are highlighted Scholarships & Awards, Internships, Apprenticeships & Fellowships, Helpful Information and Extracurricular Programs & Camps from our partners and sponsors. Learn about even more opportunities for high school and college/university students through our Alumni Monthly email.


Eligibility Key

To fit as much info as we can, we're using shorthand to describe the most common eligibility requirements for these opportunities. Different categories will be separated by a slash. For example, a scholarship that is open to Hispanic/Latinx high school seniors who will pursue a STEM degree in college would have UR / HS12 / STEM at the top. 

  • 18+ = students who are 18 years or older; if a different minimum age is specified, number before + will reflect that
  • $ = students who demonstrate financial need
  • CCCU = students attending an accredited 2- or 4-year community college, college or university
  • CU = students attending an accredited 4-year college or university
  • F = students who are women or another gender underrepresented in STEM 
  • G = graduate school students 
  • HS9-12 = high school students, any grade (9-12)
  • HS12 = high school seniors; HS11 for juniors
  • MC = MATHCOUNTS alumni
  • O = some other eligibility requirement specific to the scholarship
  • STEM = students majoring in a science, technology, engineering or math field; if specific STEM field required, associated letter will be underlined in "STEM"
  • UR = students who are from a racial/ethnic group underrepresented in STEM. 
  • US = United States citizens or permanent residents
Scholarships & Awards

HS12 & CCCU / MC
: $3000
Apply: Sep. - Jan.

HS9-12 & CCCU / MC / O ​​​​​
: $3000 + school prizes
Apply: Mar. - Jun.

18+ / CU & G / O / STEM / US
: $25-38K + full tuition
Apply: Aug. - Dec.

HS12 / STEM / UR / US ​​​
: $5000
Apply: Jan. - Apr.

: $5000
Apply: Jan. - Apr.

CU / F / STEM / US
: $2500
Apply: Jan. - Apr.

HS12 / O / STEM / UR / US
: up to $30K/year
Apply: Sep. - Oct.

F / HS12 / O / US
: varies by level
Apply: Sep. - Oct.

18+ / CCCU / F / O / STEM / US
: varies by level
Apply: Dec. - Jan.

$ / 7th Graders / O / US
: advising + funding
Apply: Feb. - May

CCCU & G / O / STEM / UR
: $500 - $5000
Apply: Feb. - Apr.


Internships, Apprenticeships & Fellowships

HS9-12 & CCCU & G / O / STEM / US
Opp: Varies by program
Apply: Varies by program

HS9-12 & CCCU & G / O / US
Opp: Varies by program
Apply: Varies by program

HS12 & CCCU & G / O / STEM / US
Opp: Paid summer internship
Apply: Varies by location

16+ / HS9-12 / O / US
Opp: 8-week internship
($3500-4000 stipend)
Apply: Aug. - Nov.

CU / O / STEM / US
Opp: 10-week internship
($7000-11K stipend)
Apply: Aug. - Nov.

G / O / STEM / US
Opp: 3-year fellowship ($38K/year + tuition)
Apply: Aug. - Oct.

G / O / STEM / US
Opp: 2-6-year fellowship ($20K/year + tuition)
Apply: Aug. - Dec.

HS9-12 / O / US
Opp: Paid summer internships
Apply: Dec. - Feb.

CU / O / STEM / US
Opp: Paid summer internships
Apply: Dec. - Feb.

Resources & Information

From scholarships and fellowships, to information about STEM career options to interesting news!

Click the buttons to learn more and stay informed.


DoD STEM supports a wide variety of activities including after-school programs, competitions (like MATHCOUNTS!) and internships for students. Their website has a ton of information and resources.

Click here to learn more.

AoPS Wiki

The AoPS Wiki is a comprehensive guide to academic scholarships, which includes links to specific scholarships in various subjects, as well as links to other databases with scholarship/grant information.

Click here to see the opportunities.

Science News for Students

Science News for Students is an online publication dedicated to providing age-appropriate, topical science news to middle and high school students.

Click here to explore the articles.

Extracurricular Programs & Camps

HS11 / O
Opp: free 7-week summer program
Apply: Nov. - Jan.


HS9-12 / O
Opp: STEM competition (scholarships)
Apply: in November

HS9-12 / O
Opp: Math competition
Sign Up: Sep. - Nov.

HS9-12 / O / US
Opp: STEM competition (scholarships)
Sign Up: by November

13+ / HS12 / O / US
Opp: Science competition (scholarships)
Apply: Jun. - Nov.

HS9-12 / O
Opp: STEM essay contest 
($200 prize)
Apply: May - Aug.