Since MATHCOUNTS began in 1983, we have been calling our participants “Mathletes.” After more than 40 years, it’s come to feel like a natural fit, and something we and our participants say without thinking about why. But the word “Mathlete” represents so much of what makes MATHCOUNTS unique…competitive and exciting, yet brainy and intellectual—a blending of different ideas reflective, too, of the diverse founders that came together to create something entirely new.
Mathletes embody many of the qualities athletes do: thinking on their feet, mastering the fundamentals, practicing, supporting teammates and persevering through wins and losses. There is no denying that a live MATHCOUNTS Countdown Round can be just as nail-biting and entertaining as a sports match…you might even forget you’re watching students prepare to solve society’s toughest problems.
The skills students build in middle school will sustain their groundbreaking advancements of the future. MATHCOUNTS programs build skills in the most effective way: as a fun game that brings students joy and pride. The positive attitudes our Mathletes have about math will set them up to go the distance for the rest of their lives.
We invite you to join us in reviewing this season’s scores, stats, MVPs and recaps that make us very hopeful for the future.
Ready, set, go!
At the 2024 RTX MATHCOUNTS National Competition, we welcomed the top Mathletes from all 50 states (plus US territories and schools that serve the US departments of State and Defense) to a sports-themed event that elevated their feats to those of athletes.
On Sunday, May 12, the 224 national competitors flexed their mathletic muscles during individual and team portions of the Written Competition. The 12 highest-scoring Mathletes advanced to the Countdown Round the next day.
On May 13, the top 12 Mathletes raced against the clock in an exciting Countdown Round where National Champion Ben Jiang came out on top. Julie Montoya of RTX moderated the event for the third year in a row.
We hosted our third annual MATHCOUNTS party on May 13, complete with dancing, games and the Spirit Award presentation.
Ben Jiang answered the following question in 16 seconds during his final match with runner-up Selena Ge to earn the title of RTX MATHCOUNTS National Champion:
“Kat finds the square root of n, and then she divides it by ten. If she gets seven point four, and not a bit more, then what was the value of n?"
2024 National Champion: Benjamin Jiang (FL)
Ben won the $20,000 Donald G. Weinert College Scholarship.
Countdown Round Runner-Up: Selena Ge (MA)
Written Competition Champion: Channing Yang (TX)
Written Competition Runner-Up: Selena Ge (MA)
Countdown Round Semifinalists:
- Benjamin Song (NY)
- Laura Wang (WA)
Countdown Round Quarterfinalists:
- Shunyao Yan (VA)
- Channing Yang (TX)
- Vincent Wang (TX)
- Alex Zhan (CA)
Countdown Round Participants:
- Eric Ding (MN)
- Rohan Mallick (CA)
- Alex Liu (VA)
- Advait Joshi (NJ)
First Place Team: Texas
- Nathan Liu
- Drake Tan
- Vincent Wang
- Channing Yang
- Coach: Hui Quan
Second Place Team: Massachusetts
- Selena Ge
- Rajarshi Mandal
- Brandon Ni
- Danyang Xu
- Coach: Josh Frost
Third Place Team: California
- Rohan Mallick
- Yichen Wu
- Ali Zaman
- Alex Zhan
- Coach: Vandana Kadam
Most Improved Team: Minnesota
- Eric Ding
- Andreas Walexon
- Sam Wu
- Jefferson Zhou
- Coach: Jack Failor
Spirit Award: Department of Defense
- Narmin Guliyeva
- Cooper McCann
- Ada McCaskey
- Lucas Sze
- Coach: Senem Kadioglu
Three-Time National Competitors
Three-time national competitors participated in the 2022, 2023 and 2024 National Competitions.
Two-Time National Competitors
The National Math Club gives students in all US states and territories the opportunity to explore math in a free, fun, low-stress way. This year, based on feedback from club leaders, MATHCOUNTS enhanced the National Math Club program with new benefits for participants!

New Gold Level Projects
Clubs that wanted to achieve Gold Level this year had new project options. Students could work together on a collaborative art, video or community service project.
There was 20% increase in the number of students in Gold Level clubs this year!

Extra Recognition
Active clubs that achieved Silver and Gold Level this year received recognition on the MATHCOUNTS website and could upload a photo of their club members, school logo or project.
90% of educators whose clubs received this honor agreed it was an improvement worth keeping!

More Online Resources
This year, we introduced new monthly 5-problem challenges and activity recommendations, in addition to the three new activities and Club Leader Guide available online.
In surveys, 96% of club leaders agreed MATHCOUNTS club resources were of high quality!
See some of the excellent projects selected for the 2024 Gold Level Honor Roll by a panel of education experts.
- Math in Art: recreate a famous painting, incorporating math elements.
- Instructional Video: teach a math concept.
- Community Service: complete a math-based service project. Not in video: service project by John W. Moore Middle School (SC).
Clubs receive Gold Level Status after completing a collaborative project. The following five Gold Level clubs were randomly drawn to receive $200 gift cards:
- Dent Middle School (SC)
- Eisenhower Junior High School (IL)
- Hawthorne Middle School (ID)
- Saint John Bosco Catholic School (AZ)
- Trinity Valley School (TX)
Clubs reach Silver Level Status after meeting at least five times. The following 20 Silver Level clubs were randomly drawn to receive $100 gift cards:
40,121 students participated
(a 10% increase from last year!)
A 22% increase in Title I (low-income) schools that participated this year
488 clubs went the extra mile to achieve Silver Level or Gold Level Status
98% of club leaders surveyed agreed the Club was a positive experience for them and their students
Mathletes experienced the thrill of competition and teamwork at the school, chapter, state and national levels this year. To prepare, all coaches received a copy of the 2023-2024 MATHCOUNTS School Handbook, plus helpful online resources. New and coaches at targeted Title I schools received extra resources and support through weekly emails.
This year, 169 schools in targeted underserved communities received free Competition series registration and extra resources, thanks to a grant from 3Mgives. Outreach and recruitment efforts to low-income areas have increased during the past 5 years. In 2023-2024, nearly 32% of Competition Series registrations were for Title I schools.
65,259 students participated
(including 33,158 who attended chapter competitions)
3,747 schools participated in 538 chapter-, state- and national-level competitions
The number of registered schools increased in 24 states this year
96% of coaches surveyed agreed after participating in the Competition Series, their students enjoyed math more
Each year since 2014, MATHCOUNTS has presented a $3000 scholarship to an exceptional MATHCOUNTS alum whose experience in our programs was influential. The Alumni Scholarship and our other alumni initiatives are supported by title sponsor DoD STEM.
Jaemin Kim just graduated from Hunter College High School in New York City and participated in MATHCOUNTS from 2018-2020.
“MATHCOUNTS taught me how to find a community and how to build it. It taught me how to share my love of mathematics and how to have it returned twofold. It taught me how to find a calling in mathematics and how to find a calling in each other.”
Jaemin was a chapter competitor in 2018 who reached the state level in 2019 and was the co-captain of the first place team at the 2020 New York State Competition. MATHCOUNTS catalyzed Jaemin’s love for competition math, and he became the co-captain of the New York City math team.
MATHCOUNTS inspired Jaemin to make a difference with math in many ways—he founded a company called Autosurgic Inc. to engineer novel surgical devices, he leads annual math fairs for Hunter College Elementary School, he writes math content for organizations like Girls Are Great at Math and he is developing a free app called Numera to make math education more accessible.
- Srinivas Arun (CO)
- Robert Hardy (GA)
- Adam Inamasu (HI)
- Amari Minh Luu (CO)
- Bhaumik Mehta (NJ)
- Krish Mody (OK)
- Laura Zhang (VA)
This year, MATHCOUNTS supported a group of nine alumni who established and coached MATHCOUNTS programs at underserved schools. Two alumni, Amritha Praveen (IL) and Adithya Puninchittaya (NH) each won a $3,000 Community Coaching Scholarship last year, and all nine community coaches received a plaque and letter of recommendation.
Each community coach received free Competition Series registration, a free subscription to the MATHCOUNTS online problem library and a gift card to buy supplies for their team. MATHCOUNTS sent weekly check-in emails, plus brought together the cohort for three online sessions during the year.
2023-24 Community Coaching Cohort
- Arjun Agarwal (OR): Aloha-Huber Park School
- Ryan Cai (CA): Farb Middle School
- Nityant Chandupatla (OK): Deer Creek Middle School
- Yejoon Ham (TN): Bearden Middle School
- Samhitha Kovi (GA): Little Mill Middle School
- Amritha Praveen (IL): Jack London Middle School
- Adithya Puninchittaya (NH): Kreiva Academy
- Narayani Shankar (UT): Northwest Middle School
- Eric Wang (AZ): Ingleside Middle School

Scholarship Winner
Indrani Das Sarma
Coach at the I Promise School (OH)
Indrani is a junior at Hawken School in Chesterland, OH. She is a math and Science Olympiad tutor who has also had success in debate and essay competitions.

Scholarship Winner
Mahi Kohli
Coach at Hickman Mills Middle School (MO)
Mahi is a sophomore at Olathe North High School in Overland Park, KS. She has conducted award-winning Alzheimer’s research and founded a nonprofit called STEMing with the Stars.

Full Cohort
- Indrani Das Sarma (OH)
- Ali Fasihuddin (NV)
- Hope Hallock (FL)
- Rishidharan Jayakumar (NC)
- Mahi Kohli (KS)
- Jason Lee (NC)
- Anvita Rayabarapu (KS)
- Jason Shi (MO)
- Rishabh Venkataramani (CA)
- Eric Wang (AZ)
Each month, the MATHCOUNTS staff sends an email to nearly 59,000 alumni in our database with internship, scholarship and volunteer opportunities from our partners.
We have also continued the opportunity for MATHCOUNTS alumni to join a networking Facebook group.
This summer, MATHCOUNTS revamped Alumni Chats as an interview series highlighting successful alumni in our community. Alumni Chats kicked off in July 2024 with an interview with Natalie Boyle, a former teacher and current Manager of Math Content Creation for MATHCOUNTS.
MATHCOUNTS alumna Emma Kerwin, a Business Intelligence Strategist at Capstone, nominated MATHCOUNTS as the charity supported at the company’s Annual Charity Night. Since the inaugural event in 2009, the events have helped raise over $3.5 million, supporting different organizations each year selected by Capstone employees.
Alumnus Po-Shen Loh and his team of young alumni hosted their fourth annual MATHCOUNTS Live Solve series, where they solved this year’s Chapter and State Competitions during interactive livestreams.
MATHCOUNTS teamed up with BAE Systems for our fifth annual Engineers Week (EWeek) celebration! From February 19-26, we posted five Problems of the Day, plus a bonus activity, to introduce students and the general public to hydraulic, software, electrical and environmental engineering, plus the engineering involved in computer science and packaging.

7,328 participants this year
(a 76% increase from 2023)!
52,509 total visits across all pages during EWeek
95% of participants agreed EWeek helped grow their or their students’ math or problem-solving skills
10 groups and 5 individuals won gift cards in prize drawings
Each year, as part of the Defense STEM Education Consortium (DSEC), MATHCOUNTS selects a coach to join a cohort of DoD STEM Ambassadors. These expert teachers advance STEM education by creating resources and designing their own community impact projects.
Courtney Heikkila
MATHCOUNTS selected coach and club leader Courtney Heikkila as the 2023-2024 ambassador. Courtney is an instructional coach at Mallard Creek STEM Academy in Charlotte, NC. For her impact project, Courtney held a MATHCOUNTS-style event in March 2024, bringing together 50 girls from 8 local middle schools to compete in Team & Countdown Rounds (pictured at right), plus play National Math Club games! Fellow MATHCOUNTS coach (and 2021-2022 ambassador) Tyler Erb also supported this event by helping recruit local high school students to volunteer.
Chris Ray
UC San Diego CREATE, a MATHCOUNTS outreach partner and DSEC member, selected MATHCOUNTS coach and club leader Chris Ray as their 2023-2024 ambassador. Chris is a mathematics teacher at Albert Einstein Academies in SanDiego, CA. Together with club leaders Gen Esmende (also the 2020-2021 ambassador for CREATE) and Claudia Pruitt, Chris ran Math Fest in March 2024 for his impact project, bringing together 50 students and their families.

Each month, the MATHCOUNTS staff emailed helpful tips to all coaches and club leaders, drawing from educational sources like founding sponsor the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
MATHCOUNTS has partnered with NSBE for more than a decade. This year, MATHCOUNTS staff provided competition materials for regional NSBE Jr. events and hosted a MATHCOUNTS-style event at the NSBE Annual Convention in Atlanta, GA in March 2024.

MATHCOUNTS partnered with Brilliant again this year to provide exclusive resources and webinars for coaches and club leaders, plus a Brilliant Premium subscription for each 2024 national competitor.
In July 2024, MATHCOUNTS was nominated for a Charity Navigator Community Choice Award
for being a top-rated non-profit organization.
U.S. Department of Defense STEM
Title Sponsor of Alumni Engagement
Northrop Grumman Foundation
National Sponsors
National Society of Professional Engineers
Capstone Investment Advisors
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Art of Problem Solving
Executive Sponsors
BAE Systems
Bentley Systems Incorporated
Carina Initiatives, Inc.
Sustaining Sponsors
National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
CNA Insurance
Patron Sponsors
Anonymous (12)
Blue Owl Capital
Goldman Sachs
Patron Sponsors
RGA Reinsurance Company
Societe Generale
Tourmaline Partners, LLC
Supporting Sponsors
Anonymous (2)
Grist Labs
Mouser Electronics, Inc.
Additional Sponsors
Anonymous (1)
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Founding Sponsors
National Society of Professional Engineers
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
CNA Insurance
Thank You!
Support from our sponsors makes MATHCOUNTS programs possible.